Xichang subway station sd multiple times summary absolute va

I have been to the best field of Guangzhou hardware. But fw only fj can be used without an appointment. Go directly to two people to take the room. There is a mahjong room for free

 Dry and steamed. Swimming (swimming only in the morning, you need to bring swimming trunks) Sing K. Table tennis. Badminton, fitness, etc.

On zhong only fj. Generally js will take the initiative to call you twice. Can take off the bar and touch bobo

 No. 89 js. Class D. Others are OK. 180 once. Go and return the ticket for the next offer.

Unfortunately, only fj. But the hardware is good. Water leisure club. The water plant is next door. Detailed Baidu. Seeking the way to find Persian cats in Guangzhou Thank you, this topic was moved by admin at 2015-10-6 22:52