People with normal meals do not need protein powder

In the opinion of experts, the overwhelming promotion of protein powder actually causes people to have many misunderstandings about protein powder. In fact, most people do not need to eat protein powder, blind use, not only make the money beat, but also damage health.
Well-known brands sell five or six thousand cans per month
The reporter saw on a large shopping website that there are more than 20 protein powder brands with a certain reputation, and there are countless unknown small brands. Enhancing human immunity, accelerating metabolism, helping wound healing, and improving sleep quality are the focus of business efforts. The reporter also found that the price of protein powder is different. There are fifty or sixty yuan per can, and two or three thousand yuan, which are very popular. It is especially popular for a product to sell five or six thousand cans per month.
In addition to the online store, the reporter randomly visited the pharmacy and found that the merchants placed the protein powder in a can on the shelf neatly, and placed it in a prominent position, which was very conspicuous, and some even occupied a cabinet. A pharmacy salesperson told reporters that many customers are asking for protein powder. Some mothers want to replenish their children. Some are children who want to filial piety. Some use protein powder as a gift to visit sick relatives and friends. Come and eat by yourself.
In this regard, Cai Meiqin, director of the Nutrition Department of the Shanghai Nutrition University and director of the Nutrition Department of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said that protein is a necessary nutrient for maintaining and repairing the body and cell growth. However, there is no "super power" in protein, and not as much as possible. If you don't know your own situation, you can buy protein powder and buy it.
Only three types of people can supplement
Cai Meiqin pointed out that the main role of protein powder is to correct human protein malnutrition, so it is clinically applicable to three types of people: one is the severe loss of protein in the body, such as large-scale skin ulceration, multiple fractures, tumor radiotherapy and chemotherapy patients; Those who have insufficient protein intake or absorption, such as anorexia, functional dyspepsia, and intestinal malabsorption; and third, those who are at certain stages, such as lactating mothers and elderly people with weak gastrointestinal functions and eating very little.
Allergic to protein powder, gastrointestinal function is not allowed, patients with acute pancreatitis, patients with renal insufficiency, patients with cirrhosis should not eat protein powder. People with diabetes should also follow the doctor's advice to properly reduce protein intake.
For those who must supplement protein powder, Cai Meiqin suggested that it is necessary to control the amount, 15-20 grams per day is enough to prevent excessive protein intake, which puts a heavy burden on the body. Protein powder is not easy to dissolve, it is recommended to eat in porridge, before and after meals
People who have normal meals will not have to make up for it.
Cai Meiqin said that protein powder is mainly divided into two types, one is whey protein and the other is soy protein. Whey protein is an animal protein, which is better for human body absorption and utilization.
"At present, most urban residents do not have the problem of insufficient protein. The people who eat normal diet do not need to add extra." Cai Meiqin clearly pointed out that the average adult needs 1 gram of protein per kilogram per day. Eat the right amount of staple food every day (more than 6 males, more than 5 females), eat 1 egg, 3 two lean meats and 2 to 3 two bean products, then drink 300~500 grams of milk or the same amount of yogurt, soy milk, enough Supplement the protein needed by healthy people daily.
Yu Kang, the chief physician of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital, clarified one by one of the four major misunderstandings of consumers.
Myth 1: Protein powder enhances immunity. To improve immunity, protein powder alone is not enough. Pay attention to the rationality and completeness of nutrient intake. If you don't eat well, you only rely on protein powder, and your immunity will decrease.
Myth 2: Protein powder helps children grow long and have long intelligence. The child's height and mental development are influenced by many factors. Protein is only a part of it and cannot replace other nutrients. Excess protein powder may cause a serious burden on your child's tender kidneys and liver. Therefore, as long as children and adolescents can eat normally, it is recommended to use a natural diet, no need to supplement protein powder, unless you can not get enough protein from the diet because of picky or vegetarian diet.
Misunderstanding 3: Protein powder promotes fetal growth and development. Normal growth and development of the fetus alone is not enough. If there are no suitable carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins and trace elements, then more protein will not help the growth and development of the fetus. On the contrary, it will increase the burden on the internal organs of pregnant women.
Misunderstanding 4: You can lose weight by eating protein powder. "High protein diet" has been widely circulated, the core is to eat only protein foods such as protein powder, do not eat fat and sugar. In fact, this can cause excessive protein, and the essential lack of essential fatty acids, vitamins and dietary fiber, which in the long run can lead to anemia and malnutrition.
Fan Zhihong, an associate professor at the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering at China Agricultural University, added that excessive protein supplementation outside the three meals will also increase urinary calcium excretion and increase the risk of kidney stones.