Chigang East New DX Cry ~~~

Location: New DX
Address: Chigang
Consumption: FJ298, BT358, QT398
Point to the conversation, I’m going to make a long story short.

After drinking the wine in the last few nights, they were two o'clock in the middle of the night. They were all drunk, and they stopped the shipment. They picked up the wilderness, and there were QTs in 398, and they were close to the ground and dedicated for the first time.

Go to the door, black light and black fire, the facade light box "Xin Le Xuan Leisure Spa" is buried, ask the isolation hotel security

The security channel can be up to the elevator, the third floor

Going up, because after drinking, I went to the restaurant to see there was wild food, and I saw hot soup. Two Dingyou started to drink hot soup to warm the stomach, and almost drank the mandarin soup, hahaha.

After that, I asked the minister to go to the captain and make a good request. They all dressed up as a regular customer. If they speak for the first time, they feel that they are OK and have a chance.

Waiting for the left half, you will go up, go through the restaurant and go down from a security gate, the service area is on the second floor.

The room is lacquered, it’s ok, forget it, you can change the outline.

I was so weak that I massaged the left for ten or twenty minutes, during which I talked about Syrah, and then I went out to work in the wilderness.

Simply roaming the back, I really want to sweep it a few times, then after the corn sugar DL, seeing the pleading for his generous service, just speak straight ahead.

They are all just as energetic and weak, and they are as sluggish as they are, and they are as demanding as they are, and they are guilty, forget it, and they will be able to get down quickly.

I don’t know if I just started work. When the woman is a man, the outside door is rushing to run the door with the sound of knocking on the door.

The woman jumped off the horse immediately, and she ran to the bathroom to wash the sleeves. I immediately went to the bathroom with my pants.

Wow, I have seen a few pigs smashing the water and rushing away from the D set. I will fix it to the left and I will recognize myself as a JS.

I quickly ran to my friend's room and told me to go.

I don’t know if the seven heads are faintly fixed, and I’m not doing anything. Waiting for the first, I’m so scared, I’m asking if I have any, I’m not saying anything, I’m so surprised.

After that, I got a JS to see you. The words were a false alarm. On the first floor, the security guard saw the police car and thought that he would investigate the room and immediately notified.

Include your home shovel, it really scares me to huddle, when I am tight, I’m knocking on the door and checking the room.

Hey, after the microphone went back and asked for its shipment, it’s gone, and when you bury your friends in the lounge, you’re all gone.

It’s almost 5 o'clock in the morning, MB

Summarize the field, the environment can be, because of the new decoration; but the JS is serious pigs, I will see 7-8 in the evening, all the pigs, including my fruit; the safety factor is unknown, the door is It was black and black. When I went to the middle of the night, I would scare a pot, no next time, no matter what.

8 word summary, aunt is rampant, the horror continues

The final price is 398, plus 10 grass disposable shirts, buried a single time, discount 8 mosquitoes, head 400