Cost-effective fj field

Venue: Qingquan Palace
Address: Airport Road
Consumption: 188 208 248

Airport Road Qingquan Palace, has been a fj field for many years, the decoration is generally like, the environment is still relatively large. It can be played for 24 hours in one consumption, and it is more cost-effective to eat three meals a day.

Project: 188 yuan for massage +fj

    208 yuan is a new essential oil push back + fj (I prefer this, js is also relatively weak)

    248 yuan is like BT + fj (I have not tried, interested ly can try)

Evaluation: I feel that the js of this field is very open, and basically can get up and down.

Recommended: No. 22 Sichuan

Minister: Minister Xie (there will be good arrangements for finding the distance)