The man named the company with "grass mud horse". The Trad

On July 8, Dongtang Village, Changsha County, two "grass mud horses" are both spokespersons and models of Tu Yanliang's operating company. On July 7, a cultural company named “Grass Mud Horse” was registered in the Zhuzhou Industrial and Commercial Department. This name with a homophonic meaning has attracted public attention as soon as it is registered. Some people are curious about its business scope, while others question whether its name is legal and whether it will cause people to feel uncomfortable. In this regard, the person in charge of the Zhuzhou City Administration for Industry and Commerce Registration Office introduced that the name of the enterprise registered with the animal name is not a problem. Liu Ming, a lawyer at Hunan Ruibang Law Firm, said that although the term "grass mud horse" is in line with current laws, it does not seem to conform to the aesthetics of the general public. The person who registered this company is Zhu Yan, Tu Yan. On July 8, Tu Yanliang said that when he went to register the company name, he was "somewhat embarrassed". "At the beginning, I was still very embarrassed, and I was afraid that the review would not pass. After all, the name is really different." "Grass mud horse"

The abalone of the scientific name is about 3 million in the world. About 90% of them live on the plateaus of Peru and Chile in South America. Because of their unique shape, they are used by Chinese netizens as the realistic image of the fictional creature "God and Beast". Tu Yanliang introduced that when he traveled to Beijing in March, he learned that his friend had opened an advertising company and rented a “grass mud horse” as a “model”. He decided to introduce a test in Hunan, so he ordered 11 alpacas in the Netherlands through his friends, each with a purchase price of 70,000 to 80,000. With the "spokesperson", Tu Yanliang simply named the company name "grass mud horse". "The people around me are opposed, and they feel that the homophonic sound is indecent, but I think it should be eclectic, and the name is recognized." "The people in the registration hall looked at me at the time. Some are embarrassed, but what I want is this effect.” Tu Yanliang said that when he went to register and reported the company name to a female staff member, the other party was very embarrassed to call the name. “She is euphemistic. To say that the name is special, we must wait for the leadership to approve." Finally, when the approval was passed, he "still felt a little surprised." Industry and Commerce: Without insulting vocabulary, it can be registered in the registration data of the industrial and commercial department.

The company's business scope is “Sheep rental service, conference and exhibition services, advertising design, production, publishing services, corporate etiquette services, various projects. Planning services and public relations services, large-scale event organization services." For this registered name, the person in charge of the registration office of the Zhuzhou City Administration for Industry and Commerce introduced that the name of the company registered with the animal name is not a problem. “As long as there is no insulting vocabulary, it can be registered.” Hunan Ruibang Law Firm Executive Director Liu Ming said that the legal documents on which the industrial and commercial department approves the registration of enterprise names are mainly the “Regulations on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration” and the “Implementation Measures for the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration”. As long as they comply with relevant regulations, they can be approved in principle. Liu Ming said that a network term similar to "grass mud horse" that has only entered the public's field of vision in recent years has been used as a business name. Although it conforms to the current legal provisions, it does not seem to conform to the aesthetics of the general public. According to the "Regulations on the Administration of Enterprise Name Registration", the name of the enterprise shall not contain content and words that are detrimental to the public interest of the state or society or may cause deception and misunderstanding to the public. Some online terms may be suspected of misunderstanding or harming the public interest. Wait and not be registered for use.