YLT experience of Shuiyin Road 2 gold coins cheaper

Venue: Qianyuan Hotel
Address: Baidu Guangdong Performance Co., Ltd. Building
Consumption: 228+139
On the 3rd floor of the hotel

Inside the elevator is the word of temptation. Introducing the services of temptation.

The first time I went, I came early. I asked BZ if there is any FJ, no answer. Then let the service come, ask the most expensive European service, say the whole body pushes oil, including the triangle.

Then come here.

Come in a thin 29th, wave small. But BL did not change the habit of the first time.

bring it on.

Massage techniques can be.

Later, it was very cool to press the triangle. I am biased towards service.

Touch BOBO and touch B.

I have always stressed that the technicians here are different in each way and will not take off.

I said that the soft and hard foam, then she said straight, the clock took off.

I think, come on.

The process is not listed.

Overall, the back of the clock was pitted, and the shower was still being repaired. The massage technique was really good. JS was also very obedient.