JNH experience came back, not last good (with the last js nu

Venue: Carnival Sauna
Address: Shipai West
Consumption: 338+12+10

I don't have any service, I have already said a lot of wolves.

I went to JNH for the second time tonight. I bought the Liu Wei micro-sign of the wolf friend before, and M of TMD ignored me. So I ran over without an appointment. Go to the front desk and report the three numbers prepared before, 188 vacation, 22 vacations, 79 vacations, (the 6th knows too many people did not report), so go in and click again.

By the way, the first time I went to full 188, 22 is also on vacation, I feel wrong.

After I went in, I just found a minister (A Ting) and asked, and sure enough, 188 left, 22 did not ask, it is estimated to be similar. 79 really took 15 days off.

I can only arrange for him to arrange a good point for me. There are a lot of people. It is estimated that there will be no good goods.

Arranged is 198, Guangxi people, about 27 years old, not fat, Bobo B + less than C, face like general, always have to be generally. At the beginning, I was very enthusiastic. I found that I didn’t give it to me. I didn’t want to add money. . . The service aspect is also ordinary, but fortunately it is still good to talk, the overall is not the first js good.

The first time is 36. Except for the small dots, I think it is quite good. It should be around 26 or 7 years old. It is thin and high, and the service is OK. I feel that I can add money to upgrade the service. But I didn't ask at the time, after all, I came over for the first time, first familiar with the familiar environment.

Both experiences are Korean 338+12+10

There are two ministers in the contact, one is to buy ly before, the other is to take it today (A Ting).