Encouraging the birth policy is hard to say that it will be

The population situation in China is grim. There is no need to say more about this issue. The second year of the full release of the second child, 2017, the birth population is 630,000 fewer than in 2016, which is the clearest evidence. Judging from the 7% drop in the number of marriages just released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs this year, the situation in the future will only be more severe.

The population situation in some developed countries and regions is also very serious, and the important lesson to us is that even if many birth policies are adopted, the effect is not good. For example, in Japan, women not only enjoy maternity leave after birth, but also have childcare holidays. The combined length of the two is about one year. In addition to parenting holidays, if the child is sick and has a holiday, the care of the sick child is also considered a vacation. Secondly, women who do not work can get a subsidy of 420,000 yen (2.1 million yuan) in one lump sum; women who have already worked can receive a subsidy of millions of yen according to the monthly salary. However, the latest data is that Japan has a birth population of less than one million each year. In fact, the fertility rate in the world as a whole shows a downward trend.

Doing the best to promote fertility is also the result. If you do not do your best, the consequences will only be more serious.

The good news is that historically, there are still countries that have had successful experiences in revitalizing their children. As early as the 1930s, the Swedish government realized the importance of increasing fertility rate to the generations of society, because the country had a relatively high level of socio-economic development, women were independent, pursued personal life and career, and did not want to be reproductive. The most important task of traditional women. The Swedish government recognizes that in order to increase fertility, the whole society must be aware that it should create the best conditions for the growth of children, greatly improve the welfare of children, and have a series of policy support in medical care and education. Moreover, the government will provide various welfare benefits to families with children, and even send a babysitter directly to your home to help you take care of your children. Under such circumstances, the fertility rate in Sweden has been successfully improved. Today's Nordic countries are quite good at the overall performance of fertility.

In this regard, may wish to learn from the management mode of the drone. At present, China has generally adopted a tolerant attitude toward the sales of consumer-grade drones, but has imposed strict requirements on the flight range of drones, and has imposed strong legal sanctions on those who fly and fly black drones. Some manufacturers use electronic fence technology on drones and cannot take off in the no-fly zone. At present, although the drone safety incidents still occur from time to time, the overall trend is stable.

For electric scooters, a more refined management method should also be implemented. In addition to delineating the scope of use of electric scooters, manufacturers can also be required to introduce electronic fence technology to eliminate the possibility of users using electric scooters in unsuitable places. To put forward higher technical requirements for manufacturers, it is also possible to eliminate a batch of unqualified low-level manufacturers, and force the quality of electric scooters to upgrade.

Since electric scooters are not suitable for being used as vehicles, the relevant departments have long forbidden them to go on the road, so they cannot be ambiguous in terms of supervision. Expressing a clear and strong governance attitude is the key to putting an end to its security risks.